Ne hagyd, hogy megtörjenek! / Don’t let the bastards grind you down!

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According to the stories of history, this Latin quote ‘Illegitimate non Carborundum’ was the legendary scribe carved into the walls of the refugee camps during World War II. This sentence is the belief of perseverance compressed into the ‘Don’t let the bastards grind you down’ motto. The world of the legends and fairy tales preserve giant trials. Hans Christian Andersen, the Danish fairy tale writer’s famous story called The steadfast tin soldier became one of the finest examples of overcoming unfeasible tasks and a deep belief. On this painting the motif of the half standing figure in the small boat burnt into the tracing paper, refers to the fairy tale. Through the children’s point of view this image shows the duality of centralized rules, repressive powers of the victory of the individual and the spirit, and of perseverance as well. The children’s nakedness emphasizes with uncovered sincerity their vulnerability and innocence against the world heated by violence.
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Ne hagyd, hogy megtörjenek! / Don’t let the bastards grind you down!
Ne hagyd, hogy megtörjenek! / Don’t let the bastards grind you down!
Ne hagyd, hogy megtörjenek! / Don’t let the bastards grind you down!
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Mai mese a Csodaszarvasról / A modern tale of the Miraculous Hind, 2014 akril, akvarell, fa / acrylic, watercolor on wood  91x82 cmÖnarckép II. / Self-portrait, 2003 olaj, fa / oil on wood 70x50 cm